My friend says he was a wiccan and called me a jumper. i asked him what it was, and he said that it was an evil soul who put foolish ideas of being gods or goddesses in people's heads. i didn't understand him. do you know what he's talking about? Do you know what a jumper is?

How to put this tactfully? Your friend seems disconnected from reality. The idea certainly isn't Wiccan, and sounds more like he's been watching too many B-movies, such as perhaps Body Jumper, the plot of which sounds similar to what you're describing. He's also, quite frankly, being a creep. If he thinks you're really an "evil soul," why would he even hang out with you? Ergo, the name-calling appears just hateful and rude.

I'm beginning to understand how early Christians must have felt when they were accused of such bizarre things as orgies and setting fires. This is just one of those face-palm moments, when I desperately want to ask the "friend" in question "What planet are you getting your information from?" or "Are you just throwing your favorite movies in a pot and calling it Wicca?"