The Aflac duck has lost it's voice: the company fired voice actor Gilbert Gottfried after tweeting such "humorous" lines as "I just split up with my girlfriend. But like the Japanese say, 'They'll be another one floating by any minute now.'"

What the hell is wrong with him?  How does he think that's even funny?  Or did I miss  the newest fad where drowned women were considered humorous?

He's certainly not the only one, however, who thinks such humor is appropriate.  I was very tempted to post Friday on Facebook "You might be a douche think "Look out for Godzilla!" was an appropriate first comment on the Japan disaster, due to the number of times I saw it.  Really, that's the best you can come up with as thousands die and hundreds of thousands lose their homes?  Hilarious.

I've also encountered the odd duck on the internet who objects to us sending aid to Japan, suggesting that we have somehow forgotten "a little thing called Pearl Harbor."  Really, we're keeping score?  Even when the great majority of victims were not even alive, much less involved, when Pearl Harbor happened? 
But, OK, let's keep score:  I'm pretty sure a little thing called Hiroshima paid their debt in full.  Not to mention Nagasaki.  Are you sure keeping score sounds like a good idea?


  1. Unknown // March 15, 2011 at 8:12 AM  

    I agree that 'humor' about the now 9.0 quake and resulting Tsunami and Nuclear problems is not appropriate. On the 'Godzilla' item. I must admit that when I saw some of the first images coming out of Japan, not the Tsunami images but the quake damage, I did think how much it looked like the movie monster came through. I do not agree with those who say such dribble as "Watch out for Godzilla!" That is just rude. I sat and watched the live images of the Tsunami hit Sendi the night of the quake and I cried and I was moved and I still am now, seeing the new images of death and hope and joy of finding loved ones.

  2. Anonymous // March 15, 2011 at 2:43 PM  

    I agree entirely. A good friend of mine posted 'Japan got roflstomped' on Facebook and I was too speechless to even post an admonishment. As a fellow gamer, I understand what he was getting at, but using a term whose root is 'rolling on floor laughing' was not the way to go.

  3. Anonymous // March 19, 2011 at 7:45 PM  

    Regarding the "Look out for Godzilla" part, some people deal with disaster issues differently. And, sometimes that includes really misplaced humor. Some people are just THAT awkward. Do I those people were douches for their inability to cope with the fact that thousands of people were dying in a flash? Not really. They're just socially awkward.

    The rest of it, yeah.....those are the douches. Including the "Asscrack duck", who actually hasn't been funny since the 3rd commercial staring him was created. It's time to pluck that bird.